


You only really feel at your best when your pulse is rising and your legs are pumping? Then you probably belong to the Alpine Trek running crew. Road running or trail running – which do you prefer?

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If your water bottle isn’t cleaned after every trip, moisture, spittle and other organic residue can create a real paradise for bacteria. But don’t worry, the right way to clean a water bottle is neither sorcery nor does it take very long. So read on for some quick tips and tricks to keep a clean […]


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The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard once remarked, “I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.” What the famous thinker and father of existentialism did not consider, however, is that walking itself can be burdensome – particularly when you are suffering […]



This problem usually occurs during long walks in walking shoes, mountaineering boots, trekking boots or after long runs in running and trail running shoes. It often affects one of the big toes or sometimes even both at the same time. We’re talking here about bruised toenails – a nail that looks like a bruise – […]


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In the words of Sun Tzu, it’s always wise to “know thy enemy”. And these little blood-sucking, bacteria and disease-carrying monsters we call ticks are public enemy number one in the eyes of many outdoor enthusiasts. Since we can neither ignore them nor get rid of them, we should instead put ourselves in their disgusting […]



Coffee is slowly turning into one of our most talked-about topics. First, we had the long article about brewing a good cup of coffee in the great outdoors, then we delved into the topic of the revolutionary shoe innovation to solve the irritating problem of coffee-to-go stains on your trainers. And now, fabric made from […]


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Thermoball? Warmth + ball? What the deuce is that supposed to be? What do these two words have to do with each other? Well, hidden behind this interesting combination of words is a new and innovative insulation technology developed by The North Face in collaboration with Primaloft. The North Face is surely a term you’re […]


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Imagine this: the sun has just risen and is beginning to shine bright and golden. You spin around, arms stretched towards the sky, in a mountain meadow densely covered with colourful blossoming flowers and herbs. This outdoor dream world, which could have come straight out of an 1950s home movie, would probably reach an inglorious […]



(Warning: the following introduction may contain traces of irony) They say that, in the mountains, some practice the so-called “primitive” custom of not immediately showering or changing their clothes after they’ve been sweating. Disgusting, right? I mean, how gross, and – most importantly – how inconsiderate towards other people! The reason for this sorry state […]